The proverbial "before" picture. If you double click on any picture it will enlarge. Notice the lighted construction horses (sitting on plywood) are on top of the previously exposed irrigation pipe and wires for #17 Tee. Staff exposed these in early December prior to ground freezing solid. The metal box on the right holds all the control panels and 460-volt electrical service for both pumps. Please note that the control panel was correctly installed decades earlier 'above' the flood plain.
Large tracked backhoe being offloaded from it's trailer.
Rubber tire articulated pay-loader has been offloaded onto site.
Opening day! Breaking into frozen ground. Delicately working around the previously exposed irrigation pipes and wires.
Don Voss standing next to the 'safety-box' required by OSHA for all below ground excavation. Don stands 6' 2" tall.
The steel wet-well had to have a new larger flange to connect to the larger 36-inch culvert pipe. The only way to do it correctly was to cut out the old and weld in the new piece.
Don Voss the 'patriarch' of the park district with 34 years of loyal and dedicated service to the golf course stands 6'2" and is standing next to a section of the 'new' 36" PVC culvert pipe. This PVC will ensure no future breaches for the future.
New metal flange being lowered 15-feet into place 'inside' the wet-well. Hard to see but notice the tops of the two (2) green 1,500 gallon per minute pumps at bottom of picture. Obviously the pit is dry (for first time in 40 years) for the welder to operate.
Near completion looking back toward #17 Tee.
Winter pictures taken by Assistant Mark Anderson.

Staff reconnecting the irrigation lines and wires. Site is also being prepared for sod.

After picture of Hole #17 as of May 7th.
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