For the past several years the hot set-up for "dredging" ponds and keeping the costs very low with almost no restoration impact to the course is through a newer pumping method. This system does not deepen nor reconstruct the pond. It just pumps the organic sediment that causes aquatic weed issues into a holding bag for future usage when dry. Winnetka Golf Club has just had this procedure completed yesterday prior to the 2.71-inch rain storm. The 30 year old #9 Pond for several years had become the most expensive to maintain due to algae and other aquatic weed issues. We should be able to recover the cost of dredging through product and labor savings in the next few years.
Below is the holding bag upon delivery. It is staged between two berms on the left side of the ninth hole just south of the new irrigation pump house.

The worker is grading the recent greens aeration cores to provide a level base.

Here is the bag upon initial starting of the pump operation. Notice the water flowing out of the bag into the channel staff made directing the water to a drain.

This picture is taken showing the small creek in back of #9 Green. There are two divers moving the suction hose back and forth across the bottom of the creek which gets pumped overland to the holding bag previously seen. There is another diver removing some of the larger aquatic weed matter to the shoreline.

This is a close up of the same operation.

Here we are a few days latter. There is another diver under water while this diver is assisting moving the heavy hose.

Here one can see the bag filling up with organic sediment.

This picture shows the water going in to the ditch staff dug to the closest drain.

I apologize as we have a couple of short one minute videos showing this operation but was unable to upload them. Of course then you would of had to endure my narration!
Good job Henry and staff.