Seriously the Red Fox has returned to Winnetka Golf Club. Sorry not the Chicago raised comedian/actor who passed away in 1991. I couldn't resist the plug for one of my all time favorite comedian/actors and sitcom shows. Actually Redd Foxx was born John Elroy Sanford hence the name of his six season long sitcom. His mother was half Seminole, his hair was reddish, thus his nickname.
Until last year staff has not seen any Red Fox since 1991 when the Coyotes moved in.
Carts er, 'Fox on Paths Only' at #2 Tee. Notice the golf carts at the tee and #5 Fairway. REMEMBER you can double click on any picture to enlarge.
Not sure if Fox is feeding or drinking water. Notice the golfers on #2 Fairway.
Between Holes #2 & #5. Fox scratching an itch as the ducks swim by.
Red Fox sitting as sentry to the course.
Red Fox on the Driving Range in October.

Now for some fall pictures not previously posted.
#17 Green Sweet Gum tree.
#10 White Ash.
Clubhouse & #1 Tee Flowers.
#2 Bridge & Pond.
Your "2010 Golf Maintenance Team".
ONLY 65 more days until our scheduled opening date of March 25th, weather permitting. Only once since 1996 have we had to delay opening into April!!!
As a Chicago Bear was quoted about playing the Green Bay Packers for the NFC Championship, immediately following the Seattle Seahawks game, "CAN'T WAIT"!!!
Hey Henry,
ReplyDeleteHope ypu are doing well, counting the days till the National opens!
Dave S.