After not seeing a single buck...Wham! Three show up on Hole #18 with the largest being a 10-pointer and the others following his lead were 6-point young bucks. Staff also saw, but was not able to get a decent picture of a doe last month that appeared every bit as large as this buck. 10-Point bucks are typically seen here every two or three years. Remember you can click on the picture (up to twice) to enlarge the view.
White Ash (Fraxinus americana)/ Autumn Blaze cultivar Hole #10.
Yes, this variety is also suspect to the European Ash Borer aka EAB. The top 25 ash trees (including those pictured here) at Winnetka Golf Club are treated preventativly (in-house) for this borer, alternating years of injection and soil drench treatments.
My apologies to any and all loyal followers for not blogging once the weather dried up in early September. No excuse is good enough, but my priority was to get as much turfgrass recovery going once the weather cooled off. With not much rainfall these last several weeks, more than usual time was allocated to being on the course. Thank you for following this blog all season. Stay tuned as more posts are soon to follow...
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