Staff finished eight greens on Monday October 25th. After a rain day on Tuesday and relegated to finishing the sand installation on Par-3 GC #8 Sand Bunker it was back to the "deep-tine aeration' on Wednesday. Ideal conditions (lack of dew) from the strong winds allowed staff to hit the greens at sun up. Eight more were completed today. Greens #10 and #14 will be completed on Thursday. The large Practice Putting Green was done one week earlier if you wish to compare the recovery. This aggressive cultural procedure was implemented (per U.S.G.A. recommendation) from Fall of 1993 to Spring of 1998 and allowed for the greens to play at the level seen this last decade or so. Staff will assess the greens next season and respond to their needs accordingly.
Arturo our main equipment operator with a ruler showing the 9 1/2" depth the tines penetrate.
Close up showing the 7/8" diameter aeration tine and the 9 1/2" depth as seen by the soil at top of tine.
Staff on #6 Green. Please notice Alberto "hamm-ing-it-up" as he fixes his hair for the camera! He is the orange coat in the middle. Double click on picture for close up.