Winnetka Golf Club manages 32 Bluebird nesting boxes. This season there have been nine boxes used by the Tree Swallows which are another desirable bird species. Presently there are four active boxes occupied by bluebirds. The slightly hidden box at the yellow traffic post entrance/Par-3 GC #5Tee has babies ready to fledge. The box just past the #14 Tee berm on the left side next to the pond has four eggs being incubated. #2 Rough left hand side has babies only a few days behind the #11 Tee box that has been highlighted in these last two blogs. This is the most successful year since the West Nile Virus (2003+) decimated the bird population. Hardest hit were the Chickadees, Crows and Bluebirds. The bluebirds will have a second ands sometimes third clutch of babies in any season before fall. The offspring from previous clutches will frequently help the parents in feeding the young insuring success.
Bluebirds at #11 Tee 4-6 days old. This photo caught one baby instinctively opening its' mouth for food. Sorry the picture only uploads sideways on the blog!
Bluebirds at #11 Tee now 6-8 days old. The box will be monitored daily, but we will no longer open, so they don't prematurely jump out of the box. All four look healthy and should fledge latter next week.
Approximately 50 mealworms are left daily for the parents to feed their babies. Mealworms are typically used by anglers for fish bait.
A Wrens nest with babies near #18 Green. Notice the nest is predominately sticks and stems.
Old 33-vinyl-LP of George Wettling's (Blues) Allstars found at a garage sale was a 'must buy' for a quarter just for the picture!
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