QUESTION: What are those piles of sand doing near the sand bunkers?
ANSWER: Due to the frequent rains this last week staff was not able to use the utility carts to haul the sand edging spoils to our dumps. Utilizing this procedure staff was able to perform a very important periodic maintenance practice. Weather permitted they will all be gone early next week.

Notice the nice clean edge on the low-side entrance to the bunker.

Sort of a neat picture catching Adolfo tossing the root/turf infested sand into the Clubcar.
QUESTION: What are those lines of soil near #5 & #10 Greens?
ANSWER: During last year's stressful growing season staff detected roots from the Cottonwood and Willow trees near those greens had tree roots all the way into the greens! This competition depleted nutrients and moisture to the greens. Staff dug down 30-inches to clay and vertically installed a herbicide impregnated fabric designed specifically for this type of issue.

QUESTION: And what are they going to do with them?
ANSWER: When the back-filled soil dries staff will prep the areas level and resod.